Quakers share a way of life, not a set of beliefs. We seek to experience God directly, within ourselves and in our relationships with others and the world around us. We meet together for worship in local meetings which are inclusive and open to all.
Faith and Action
Quaker faith springs from a deeply held belief in living our lives according to our spiritual experience. Some of our spiritual insights, which we call our testimonies, spring from deep experience and have been part of Quaker faith for many years. These Quaker testimonies arise out of an inner conviction and challenge our normal ways of living.
Working for Peace
From early in our 350 year history,Quakers have taken a clear stand for peace. Our words and action in opposition to war and in support of peace have come to be known as ‘the Quaker peace testimony’.
Way of Life
Quakers share a way of life, based on the values of peace, justice, equality, integrity and environmental sustainability.